Monday, July 19, 2010

Lord, please bless this food to our bodies, and our bodies to Your service

Is it dumb to edit old posts? Because I just did. Not that anyone cares to go back and re-read my blogs. Or read them once, for that matter. Also, the title of this post is a prayer I heard on an episode of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmerman when he was in the boonies somewhere and they were about to feast on muskrat and raccoon. Anyway, I liked the prayer and intend on using it. Also, I liked that when Andrew asked one of the BBQ-ers if the raccoon tasted good he answered with a twangy, "Well, heck. Anything'll taste good if ya put enough bar-b-cue sauce on it."

Anyway, I just got back to Malibu after spending 4 days in Ontario and only making 2 recipes. Only one was actual baking. The other was rice. Mexican rice. It came out mushy. I don't know what's happening! I used to make fluffy rice and the last few times I've made it it's been mush. I'm losing my touch! The Mexican is seeping out of me! Someone send me to Mexico for a month! Or at least Riverside.

Okay, so the reason my rice came out mushy was because it had too much liquid, but when my grandma taught my mom how to make Mexican rice she didn't tell her how much water to put in. She just said "up to here" and stuck her finger in the pot, showing that the water level reached the first line on her index finger. She could do this because she always cooked the same amount of rice in the same pot. But since I don't know how much rice that was supposed to be for, and because I don't own grandma's rice pot, this cooking logic doesn't work for me. My mom wanted me to make rice for my aunt's 50th birthday party next week, but after the mush pot I made this weekend, my mom graciously said she'd just buy the rice from somewhere. I'll just bring my cupcakes and be Betty Crocker instead of a legitimate Mexican.

Well, next week my sister and some of her kids will be visiting from North Carolina and Virginia, so I'm going to make them some Wake Up! Cake. Recipe compliments of Mama Paprocki. I know you'll be eagerly anticipating it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First of all, save me some wake up cake! Second of all I just read an old blog you just edited... I do the same thing. It's annoying to look back at my old blogs and think "that's lame" or "woops". If it goes unfixed it haunts me.