Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I Love

Well, I’ve finally moved in to Desi and Mike’s house in Orange County. And by “moved in” I mean I loaded my car with all my clothes, some of my shoes, and some accessories, realized nothing else was going to fit, and unloaded in Costa Mesa. (Rach Pap was kind enough to inform me that this means I have too many clothes. And also that it made her want more dresses.) I’ve spent every weekend thus far in Malibu visiting the boyf, so I haven’t gone back home to get the rest of my things. So I’ve been washing my hair with baby shampoo and using the same dulled razor for the past two weeks. But this weekend I intend to travel back to Ontario, land of my raising, to garner what I left behind. 
It’s really interesting living with so many little ones. I’ve never done that before. It’s always busy, but usually pretty fun. Josiah and Rosie are some of the funniest kids I know, and today Rose melted my heart when she pointed to me and said, "I love!" Gahhhh. 
A new addition to our daily routine here: yesterday Rosie started potty training. Day 1 went something like this: every 30 min a timer goes off and Rosie gets to sit on her little potty. She usually starts saying, “I’m doooone” as soon as she sits down. If she gives a little pee, she gets a little Skittle. No opposition to bribing here! But so far she has fought every potty sit. And then she finally peed. While standing on top of the toilet with the lid closed. That might not qualify her for a Skittle, but at least she’s getting closer.

This is the room where I'll be spending 4 mornings a week from now until June. Isn't it cute? That's only one side. The opposite side holds the play-doh and craft tables, as well as a sweeeet lofted playhouse/dress-up station. Oh, to be a two-year-old again. 

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