Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Being home for the summer is always.. difficult. My family usually travels so it's hard to get a summer job (not that I'm not so thankful for the vacations! I am!), which leaves me at home with only my imagination and a lot of country music. Many potential activities are are inhibited by the fact that I have no steady income (and now looming loan payments. Oh, dear God.), so more often than not, in order to pass the time, I cook. So far I have concocted a coconut-pineapple coffee cake, pecan-chocolate chip blondies, mushroom-bacon stuffed pork tenderloin, and German chocolate cake balls. One of the biggest perks of spending this summer at home (I haven't lived at home for the past 3 years) is having access to (mostly) unlimited ingredients and fancy bakeware. And since today I've already tried to alleviate my boredom by creating very juvenile watercolor and oil pastel pieces of "art," I've decided to retreat to my faithful fallback. On today's menu: French onion soup. I'm trying out a recipe I got from Smitten Kitchen, one of my new favorite blogs. I wish I knew some cute French phrase to end this with, but alas, I do not.

Well, never mind. My mom can stockpile various dried fruits, apple juice, Bisquick, and popcorn like nobody's business, but when a girl needs some beef broth there's none to be found! Next time, I guess.

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