Madrid, the NYC of Europe. The city that never ever sleeps and enjoys daily siestas. Oh Madrid, how I love thee. Needless to say, our second educational field trip was much more exciting and enjoyable than the first. We went to awesome museums where we saw Impressionist art (my favorite) and Picasso and Dali (not my favorite but still interesting to see up close). We went to a flamenco show that left us all awestruck and ready to dance (I sat in the front row and got sweat on by the long-haired man dancer. Gross.). We toured the city and shopped by day, stopping for crispy-fried churros and thick hot chocolate to dip them in, and went out on the town, dancing our feet off, by night. We went to the famous seven story club, Kapital, that had different music on every floor. There was also a floor that played movies and a floor with an awesome lounge area that had comfy overstuffed seats and a big lit up fountain-pond in the middle. We also had quiet an adventure trying to find a club that my friend’s sister had suggested we go to and we finally got there only to find that it was CLOSED. We went to an orchestra concert and all the boys in our group gave roses to all the girls for Valentine's Day. Sehr suss. We ate paella in Toledo with calamari, mussels, and shrimp that still had legs and heads, so the eyes stared at us as we tried to eat around them. We got to see master jewelry and sword makers in action and saw famous paintings by El Greco. We shopped in El Corte Ingles and ate quesadillas. We said “grathias” a lot and giggled about it. Then, after enjoying 5 glorious, beautiful days of sunshine we retuned to a foot of snow in Heidelberg. Hoorah!
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