So now that I've learned how to use the bus system and how to order food (I'm quite fond of Flamkuchen, which is basically pizza on a cracker-crust with sour cream instead of cheese and other various toppings. Ser lecker!) I feel adequately prepared to take on the rest of Europe. Ha. Yeah right. My current goal is to try every flavor of gelato served on the Hapstrasse(I know. I set the bar really high, right?). So far I've had three. Nutella, hazelnut, and rice milk. All quite delicious. The milchreis flavor made me miss home and horchata. Waa. Another goal of mine is to find as many Spanish-speaking folks as I can.
Today a couple of us went to the church our director attends. The service was completely in German so I mostly played with a little girl, Angelina (our little angel), who was a complete sweetheart. After church there was a big pot luck with a lot of foods I'd never seen before but were all very good. My favorite was this strange noodle-ground beef-pineapple-rice dish. Delish. After that we had some amazing desserts including plum pie and tiramisu (all homemade). Then, because we'd taken a taxi to church (and taxis are expensive) we walked aaaall the way back to the house. It was a nice walk. Long. But nice. One I'll definitely be doing again, only next time not in boots and a dress that relentlessly rides up and clings to my tights.
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